The Money Family

We’re the Moneys, Joe and Kristen, and we’ve been blessed with two beautiful children who love bees almost as much as we do! We both have roots here in Central Georgia and feel honored by the support and love we receive from our community.

Joe began experimenting with bees in 2016 with only 3 hives. So if you’re new to beekeeping and just learning on the job - you’re in good company! That first year, we lost all 3 of our hives and were forced to choose between giving up and starting over.

It felt risky, but we took what we had learned from that first big failure, traded a jet ski for twenty new hives, and went back to work. Thankfully, we had learned enough by then to help these hives thrive and grow into the hundreds of that we have now!

These days we work with local farmers who want to utilize sustainable, natural agricultural practices by hosting these master pollinators near their crops. When bees have a variety of different plants to pollinate, they produce a variety of different honeys for us to enjoy! Today we supply over 20 local stores with raw, unprocessed, Central Georgia honey and participate in a variety of markets around the community.

Whether you’re new to beekeeping, an old pro, or just here for the honey - welcome! We’re excited to see where the next few years take us and we’d love it if you’d come along.

Contact Us

Brood (pronounced bro͞od):

the eggs, larvae, and pupae of honeybees.

  • Joe

    Joe’s passion for beekeeping started unexpectedly in 2012 when he found a massive hive inside the wall of our home! After witnessing the power (and incredibly sticky mess) of a thriving hive - he was hooked on bees. His fascination and knowledge has only grown as we expanded our apiary from 3 hives in our own backyard to hundreds of hives hosted in 5 different locations around middle Georgia.

  • Kristen

    Kristen is the heartbeat of everything we do here at Money’s Honey. From building relationships within our community to hosting local school field trips to creating beautiful new products in response to your requests at markets - Kristen’s skills and creativity bring Joe’s vision to life. In addition to her contributions to our family business, she is a homeschool mom and homesteading enthusiast.

  • Kara

    Kara is all things curious and bright. Most days she can be found at her mama’s elbow or on her dad’s heel learning the family business and keeping us well supplied with fantastic questions and observations about the world around us. Her favorite part of being a beekeeping kid is coming up with new uses for all that delicious honey!

  • Andrew

    Andrew is the delightful mischief maker we all needed to stay on our toes around here. When he’s not watching mom and dad work the bees, he loves to listen in on his sister’s homeschool lessons, feed the chickens, and jump on the trampoline. Even though he’s small, he plays an important role in our family business - lead taste tester!

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